The most useful books in the world are the ones with the most embarrassing titles: "How to make friends", "How to tie your shoelaces" and so on. Such books are embarrassing because everyone assumes that some things are too obvious to require explicit instruction - at least for adults - and you are a bit weird if you haven't figured them out yet. But they are useful because there are plenty of adults who a) are a bit weird, or b) haven't figured these things out yet. (Note: Normal is overrated anyway.)
One secret shame shared by many professionals is a discomfort with numbers, and in particular the difference between millions, billions and trillions. And to be fair, it's not all that straightforward especially if you work across geographies. Why?
- Different languages have different names for big numbers
- Different languages break large numbers into different "chunks"
- Different geographies use commas and full stops differently, as separators and as decimal markers
So, without further ado, here is a summary table setting out a sample of large numbers, as referred to in different languages and geographies. Feel free to bookmark this, or print it out and tape it above your desk. You're welcome.
Number of Zeroes | English | Indian | French | Spanish | German |
4 | Ten Thousand 10,000 |
- 10,000 |
Dix Mille 10.000 |
Diez Mil 10.000 |
Zehn- -tausend 10.000 |
5 | Hundred Thousand 100,000 |
One Lakh 1,00,000 |
Cent Mille 100.000 |
Cien Mil 100.000 |
Hundert- -tausend 100.000 |
6 | Million 1,000,000 |
Ten Lakh 10,00,000 |
Million 1.000.000 |
Millón 1.000.000 |
Million 1.000.000 |
7 | Ten Million 10,000,000 |
One Crore 1,00,00,000 |
Dix Millions 10.000.000 |
Diez Millones 10.000.000 |
Zehn Millionen 10.000.000 |
8 | Hundred Million 100,000,000 |
Ten Crore 10,00,00,000 |
Cent Millions 100.000.000 |
Cien Millones 100.000.000 |
Hundert Millionen 100.000.000 |
9 | Billion 1,000,000,000 |
Hundred Crore 1,00,00,00,000 |
Milliard |
Mil Millones |
Milliarde |
12 | Trillion 1,000,000,000,000 |
One Lakh Crore 10,00,00,00,00,000 |
Billion |
Billón |
Billion |